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The Sound of History

September 27, 2023
The 30th Anniversary Celebration of Spa Six Hours Endurance Race This week, historic motorsport enthusiasts and racing fans alike are gearing up for the highly anticipated return of the Spa Six Hours Endurance Race, an event that has firmly established itself as an iconic fixture on the European racing calendar. As the event celebrates its
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The British Grand Prix at Silverstone: A Legendary F1 Event

July 7, 2023
Birthplace of the F1 Championship The British Grand Prix at Silverstone is indeed one of the most significant events in the Formula 1 championship. It holds a rich history, being the first-ever Grand Prix in the championship back in 1950. The race has been held at the Silverstone circuit since then, making it a traditional
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Porsche Mission X Unveiled

June 9, 2023
In the realm of automotive surprises, Porsche has once again taken the lead, unveiling an all-electric hypercar in honour of its 75th anniversary.
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The Centenary of Le Mans

June 6, 2023
Undoubtedly the “Race of the Century” The prestigious 24-Hour Race celebrates its momentous 100-year anniversary. Hence, Racing drivers from across the globe converge at Le Mans, for the greatest endurance event in the world. Presently  scheduled to commence on June 10th, 2023, with a new 24-hour race champion emerging by the 11th. The centenary of
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